Directly Impact Client Safety and Outcomes

This training ensures safety and dignity, fostering trust and respectful care. Ultimately, it's a vital component of comprehensive healthcare education that enables positive outcomes and upholds compassionate care principles.

The Importance of this Course

Proficiency in ventilation techniques ensures you can respond effectively to clients experiencing breathing difficulties, preventing complications such as hypoxia or respiratory failure.

Understanding airway management is essential for the rapid stabilisation of clients in critical conditions, including those with weaker chest muscles, obstructed airways or deteriorating lung compliance. Proper training empowers nurses and support staff to administer life-saving interventions promptly, enhancing safety and overall quality of care.


Upon completion of any Primary Training

Module A opens the gateway to working hands-on with high intensity customers

MODULE A | COMPLETE PRIMARY TRAINING | Engage and reflect on learned content and your new deepened understanding.

LEARNING PATHWAY | Real-world Applications and Risk Mitigation - (The Gateway is Open).

Commence work with your customers. Undertake care with new skills and knowledge.

You have been shown industry practice standards, now follow the Learning Pathways to display your skills and if needed identify differences to practice standards.

Help your customer or identify risk, this is what makes each person unique. If the customer does it differently that's ok. Differences are acknowledged, mitigated where possible and recorded in the risk register.

(Print out this form and complete as evidence of your knowledge and skills)


MODULE B | DECLARATION OF COMPETENCE | NDIS High Intensity Descriptor Practice Standards | - Reaffirm foundational skills, meet industry standards and protocols.

Competency issued when all above criteria met (go to Module 5B, see below).


C MODULES | ANNUAL REFRESHER | Professional Development, Career Planning, and Lifelong Learning | - Inspire ongoing learning and professional growth, while also staying up-to-date with your credentials via our Annual Competency Refreshers.

Compulsory to remain high intensity competent (go to Module 5C, see below).

Suggestion: Repeat Primary Training before completing this module. Industry updates are added to Primary Training.

TRAIN THE TRAINER | Peer Collaboration

Projects - Foster collaboration

and problem-solving skills. Contact a Critical Second team member about our

Train the Trainer programs and become your workplace expert.

NDIS Approved Competence

In today's NDIS landscape, support teams are increasingly involved in providing care for people with complex medical conditions, including those requiring mechanical ventilation or specialized respiratory support. Proficiency in ventilation and airway management is a high intensity requirement, and this equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to collaborate effectively with the broader healthcare teams, including respiratory therapists and physicians. This interdisciplinary approach fosters better person-centred care coordination and optimises treatment plans, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and a safer home environment. In summary, training in ventilation and airway management is a fundamental competency for nurses and support workers, enabling you to deliver high-quality care, respond to emergencies, and work seamlessly within the healthcare team to enhance longevity and well-being.

12 Monthly Refresher Required by NDIS

The skills and knowledge in High Intensity supports present some of the highest risks for participants. Regularly refreshing your knowledge and skills is an essential part of staying competent and up-to-date in any field, the NDIS requires a refresher every 12 months as new medical knowledge can change from time to time to updated practices.

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