Introducing Critical Second's High Intensity Living. Designed for anyone looking for better job opportunities and improved outcomes in the health industry.


Upon completion of any Primary Training module the gateway opens to working hands-on with high intensity customers


Engage and reflect on learned content and your new deepened understanding.


Real-world Applications and Risk Mitigation

(The Gateway is Open)

 Commence work with your customers. Undertake care with new skills and knowledge.

You have been shown industry practice standards, now follow the learning pathways to display your skills and if needed identify differences to practice standards.

Help your customer or identify risk, this is what makes each person unique. If the customer does it differently that's okay. Differences are acknowledged, mitigated where possible and recorded in the risk register. (Print this out, from each completed module)


Once Primary training (Module A) is complete the gateway is open to commence your hands on experience.

Once a Learning Pathway is completed see the below Module B. and make the declaration of Competence.

This will allow you to work at your own pace. See the different Modules (B) below and use the allocated login code from the thank you page (received after purchase to avoid paying again).

There is no expiry date, come and go as you need. Competency document issued when all above criteria are met (go to the Modules B, see below).



Professional Development, Career Planning, and Lifelong Learning

Inspire ongoing learning and professional growth, while also staying up-to-date with your credentials via our annual competency refreshers. (compulsory to remain high intensity competent) (go to Module C, see below)

Suggestion: Repeat Primary Training before completing this module. Industry updates are added to Primary Training.

5. TRAIN THE TRAINER | Peer Collaboration Projects

Foster collaboration and problem-solving skills. Contact a Critical Second team member about our Train the Trainer programs and become your workplace expert.

Choose a Pricing Option

Or just buy the single Course Module you need, we will be here if you need more later

Just looking for a refresher?

Our module-based approach allows you to focus on the specific areas of expertise you need to improve. Each module includes access to video content, slides, helpful documents, and quizzes to check your competency. Whether you need to brush up on your ventilator or tracheostomy skills, our modules are tailored to meet your needs. Don't miss this opportunity to take your career to the next level with Critical Second.

Get started now and gain access to our module-based High Intensity Living course.


When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

How do I share this course with my friends?

Sharing is caring! Just copy and paste the link to this page and send it to all of your pals!

Become Recognised

Our program includes a transferable competence certificate across the NDIS, which will make you a sought-after worker in the industry. This means you will have greater flexibility and more job opportunities, making your investment in our program more valuable.