Welcome to the beginning of your organisation's journey in the NDIS with our Bronze tier.

This tier is ideal for companies just starting to explore the world of health support and NDIS governance, offering an accessible and cost-effective introduction.

At the Bronze level, organisations can provide their staff with policy, procedures and utilise Critical Second resources to initiate their journey and begin understanding the essential principles in this complex field.

Value For You and Your Team

In the intricate web of healthcare and customer preference, where every decision can impact outcomes, arming the entire team with appropriate policy & procedure will mitigate risk and support your team.

Engaging our shadow team can also be a strategic game-changer. Enabling your team to perfect their skills in a safe fashion

Key personnel have easy access to policies, workflow, and safe client engagement strategies. By immersing these individuals in Critical Second’s, Bronze program they gain first hand insights into the policies & procedures that meet the challenges faced by frontline healthcare providers, the intricacies of person-centred care, and the broader implications of their decisions on the entire care continuum.

This tier ensures that decisions are made with a comprehensive understanding of clinical realities, fostering policies that are not only efficient but also client-centric and empathetic.


·       Basic Foundation

·       Community Support: Connect your staff with fellow Bronze-tier corporate members within the Critical Second Facebook Group to encourage shared insights, collaboration, and peer networking.

·       Basic Resources: Gain access to a selection of fundamental resources and references that will aid your employees as they embark on their educational journey.

·       NDIS Compliance: UP to date Policy and Procedures.

·       Newsletters: Receive monthly newsletters featuring updates in nursing and disability care.

·       Exclusive Discounts: Access promotional discounts on partner educational materials or events.

·       Webinars: Participate in quarterly webinars hosted by field experts.

·       Bronze-tier Corporate Certification: Achieve a Bronze-tier certification that marks the initial steps of your organization's educational and professional journey in nursing education and NDIS governance. We will be their to guide you at Audit time.

The NDIS like it when you have resources available that include a High intensity Nursing team.

Best For Your Bottom Line

When key personnel possess foundational nursing and support work knowledge, it creates a ripple effect throughout the organisation. Their leadership, driven by a deeper understanding of healthcare dynamics, can inspire a culture of empathy, collaboration, and continuous learning.

It aligns different departments under a unified vision where everyone, from the administrative assistant to the CEO, acknowledges the pivotal role of client care in all their endeavors. This alignment promotes trust between clinical and non-clinical teams, leading to enhanced interdepartmental collaboration, faster problem resolution, and optimised client outcomes.

Essentially, by integrating Critical Second’s extensive nursing and support work education at the top echelons of your staff team, your healthcare company is paving the way for holistic excellence and a unified purpose.

Train With a Registered NDIS Provider

Ensure a standardised, high-quality care service that aligns with the complex and individualized needs of participants.

Registered providers (such as Critical Second) are vetted and obliged to adhere to the NDIS Practice Standards, promoting consistent application of up-to-date, evidence-based practices, safeguarding mechanisms, and competency in addressing the nuanced demands of disability support. This structured approach to training not only reinforces workers' compliance with national regulations but also cultivates an environment of trust, safety, and empowerment for people with disabilities, who are assured that their care is being provided by qualified professionals.

Moreover, as the NDIS operates within a choice and control consumer model, training by registered providers enhances service credibility and attractiveness to participants, thereby fostering competitive professionalism and continual improvement within the sector.

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